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Loniten Minoxidil 5/10mg

Loniten (minoxidil) is used to treat high blood pressure. Loniten helps blood vessels relax, making it easier for blood to flow through them and lowering your blood pressure. Minoxidil may stimulate the growth of human hairs by prolonging anagen through these proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects on DPCs.

Hypertension Artérielle

PaquetPrixPar compriméD'épargneAchetez!
5mg × 120 comprimés€0.00€ 0.00  €0.00
5mg × 90 comprimés€0.00€ 0.00  €0.00
5mg × 60 comprimés€0.00€ 0.00  €0.00
PaquetPrixPar compriméD'épargneAchetez!
10mg × 120 comprimés€0.00€ 0.00  €0.00
10mg × 90 comprimés€0.00€ 0.00  €0.00
10mg × 60 comprimés€0.00€ 0.00  €0.00
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La commande était livré la semainde dernière, pas de problem, l'effect est bon.....j'suis pas mal occupé avec ma copine pour l'instant Merci
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